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The Energy and Water agency together with the Institute for Sustainable Energy (UM) is pleased to announce that for the third year running it will be organizing the National Energy Conference on the 24th October 2024 with the overarching theme ‘Digitalisation of the Energy system’. This year’s conference shall explore the intertwined nature of the energy and digital transitions, and how the latter is shaping the former. It shall bring on the table for discussion the opportunities, as well as threats, associated with these transitions and take stock of the state of preparedness of Malta’s energy system.
The conference is once again expected to bring together both local and international speakers from various energy sectors to discuss topics related to the aforementioned. The audience which is expected to be a mix of policy makers, professionals, business entities, students and public officers, will also have the opportunity to engage in a Q&A after each session.
Registration is now open. Visit the below link to register.