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The GreenX3 project, a Marie Skłodowska Curie Action Industrial Doctorate network (MSCA-DN-ID), is offering 10 positions for doctoral candidates (DCs, funded by EU) and 3 Doctoral Network Students (DNS, funded by UKRI) eager to work in a multidisciplinary and innovative European network driven by societal needs and environmental challenges.
Based on the EU effort for “maintaining an innovative, sustainable and globally competitive industry” the GreenX3 partners have come together to support green transition in both economy and society.
GreenX3 will focus on the study of greener materials and their environmental impact, the development of novel environment-friendly industrial processes, and key enabling technologies (KETs) designed to enhance resource management and product quality. The joint presence and intertwined connection among academic and non-academic partners with expertise comprising and not limited to materials/polymer/organic chemistry, nanotechnology, pharmacy and pharmaceutical technology, entrepreneurship, sustainability and product development will provide an outstanding environment to train the next generation of researchers with strong focus on sustainable development, responsible production and waste reduction.
MSCA-DN-ID are industrial doctorate programmes funded by the European Union. Positions in the frame of these programmes are offered to European and non-European candidates to implement individual projects in a European country other than their own. The GreenX3 project comprise a network of 7 industries and 9 academic partners from Germany, Spain, Italy, France and United Kingdom offering altogether a rich, multidisciplinary and intersectoral environment for the training of 10 successful doctoral candidates and 3 doctoral network students for a period of 36 months.
The recruited candidate will have the opportunity to work in both industrial and academic sectors while implementing his/her work. The successful candidate will step outside academia and develop skills in entrepreneurship, industry and business by spending at least 50% of their time in the non-academic sector and by being jointly supervised by academic and non-academic supervisors. Additionally, the doctoral candidates will attend yearly summer school and international meetings whilst receiving training on research and transferrable skills.
What is offered
A monthly gross salary comprising a living allowance, mobility allowance and if applicable a family allowance.
The family allowance will be implemented if the doctoral candidate has or acquires family obligations (i.e. marriage or relationship with equivalent status to a marriage recognised by the legislation of the country or region where this relationship was formalised or dependent children who are actually being maintained by the researcher) during the action duration.
This is approximately rounded at € 48 000.00 (gross salary, including compulsory deductions under national law, such as employer and employee social security contributions and direct taxes) per annum (living and mobility allowance). The provided amount is not conclusive, and a country correction coefficient applies to the living allowance in order to ensure equal treatment and purchasing power parity for all researchers and will be defined prior the recruitment starting. For further details see the specific positions following the link provided in the section above.
The candidate will be employed by the recruiting beneficiary with a single, three years employment contract offering social security, holiday rights, parental leave rights, pension provision, healthcare insurance and accident coverage at work. Researchers must be enrolled in a doctoral programme leading to the award of a doctoral degree in at least one EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country.
The GreenX3 project will implement the doctoral programme by partnership of universities, research institutions and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) from Germany, Spain, Italy, France and United Kingdom. This programme will allow the candidate to step outside academia and enhance networking and communication whilst acquire and deepening scientific knowledge.
The offered positions are listed below. For more information please visit the partner website following the specified link.
DC 1 Repurposing waste streams as feedstock alternative for circular, low-environmental impact and low-carbon synthesis of high value APIs, pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals (MyBiotech GmbH, Germany). Contact: n.guenday-tuereli@mybiotech.de. LINK: www.mybiotech.de
DC 2 Novel green technologies and methods for low-environmental impact and low-carbon processes in APIs, pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals manufacturing (MyBiotech GmbH, Germany). Contact: n.guenday-tuereli@mybiotech.de. LINK: www.mybiotech.de
DC 3 Supercritical fluid chromatography-based approaches for the analysis and isolation of novel natural products from microbial producers (Saarland University, Germany). Contact: rolf.mueller@helmholtz-hips.de. LINK: www.uni-saarland.de/en/home.html
DC 4 Spinning disc system-based approaches for green manufacturing of innovative drug delivery systems (Saarland University, Germany). Contact: Marc.Schneider@uni-saarland.de. LINK: www.uni-saarland.de/en/home.html
DC 5 Novel nanoformulations for oral delivery of nanovesicles by employing low emission green manufacturing technologies (NANOMOL Technology SL, Spain). Contact: lferrer@nanomol-tech.com. LINK: www.nanomol-tech.com
DC 6 Advanced lipid-based nanomaterials with antimicrobial “built-in” properties manufactured by environmentally friendly novel green technologies (Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones cientificas – CSIC, Spain). Contact: iratera@icmab.es. LINK: www.icmab.es/mnom/nanomol-bio
DC 7 Bio-sources and biodegradable affinity materilas for specific capture (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France). Contact: karsten.haupt@utc.fr. LINK: www.umr7025-gec.fr
DC 8 Developing smart encapsulation and packaging materials focused on chitosan films with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France). Contact: karsten.haupt@utc.fr. LINK: www.umr7025-gec.fr
DC 9 Bio-based and organic materials for decaffeination process (Università degli Studi di Trieste, Italy). Contact: fberti@units.it. LINK: www.units.it/en
DC 10 Materials from natural products for the decaffeination process (Università degli Studi di Trieste, Italy). Contact: fberti@units.it. LINK: www.units.it/en
DNS 11 Biodegradable vs Compostable plastic: new formulations (Queen Mary University London, United Kingdom). Contact: m.resmini@qmul.ac.uk. LINK: www.qmul.ac.uk
DNS 12 Compostable algae based plastics: how formulations influence environmental impact (Queen Mary University London, United Kingdom). Contact: m.resmini@qmul.ac.uk. LINK: www.qmul.ac.uk
DNS 13 Ecotoxicity of compostable plastic: the effect of structure and formulations (Queen Mary University London, United Kingdom). Contact: m.resmini@qmul.ac.uk. LINK: www.qmul.ac.uk
Who is eligible
Your profile: qualifications/experiences
Please refer to the links above for detailed information and individual requirement of each offered doctoral position. Application for multiple positions is possible.
Apply by 15th October 2023