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The Western Mediterranean Forum, commonly referred to as 5+5 Dialogue, comprises Algeria, France, Italy, Libya, Malta, Mauritania, Morocco, Portugal, Spain and Tunisia.
Click here to view the official website.
France NCP: view full list Italy OGS - Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia di Geofisica Sperimentale NCP: Mounir Ghribi Email: mghribi@inogs.it / icap@inogs.it Tel: (+39) 040 214 0642
Malta Xjenza Malta Email: international.mcst@gov.mt |
Mauritania MHESR Scientific Research and Innovation NCP: Mohamed Yahya Dah Email: myahya.dah@gmail.com Web: www.mesrs.gov.mr
Morocco Direction of Scientific Research and Innovation NCP: Ahmed Hammouch Email: ah.hammouch@gmail.com Tel: (+212) 600 019 426 Portugal PERIN - Portugal in Europe Research and Innovation Network NCP: view full list Web: www.perin.pt
Spain Web: www.horizonteeuropa.es/listado-ncps
Click here to find your COST National Coordinators (CNC).
Malta's National Contact Points are :
Mr Stephen borg
Tel: +356 23602208
Email: stephen.i.borg@gov.mt
Mr Frankie Borg
Tel: +356 2360 2106
Email: frankie.borg@gov.mt
For further information please click here.
Click here to get to know your NCPs
Malta's National Contact Points are:
Funds and Programmes Divisions
Email: territorialcoop.fpd@gov.mt
EUREKA currently counts 41 full members, including the European Union. EUREKA has 1 partner country: South Korea and 4 associated countries: Argentina, Canada, Chile and South Africa. Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina are National Information Points.
National Project Coordinators (NPC) act at operational level, running the National EUREKA Offices. They are the direct contact for project participants. NPCs facilitate the setting-up and running of a project and are responsible for project generator, national and international support and follow-up. The affiliation known as Associated Country Status was initiated as part of EUREKA’s strategy to enhance cooperation with countries outside of Europe judged to have scientific and research potential. Click here to access the NPC list.
Malta's National Project Coordinator:
Contact Point: Oxana Mercieca
Tel: + 356 22477624
Email: oxana.mercieca@maltaenterprise.com; eureka@maltaenterprise.com
Please click here to get to know your delegates
Main Delegate: George Bugeja
Position: Senior Executive
Telephone: +356 23602156
Email: george.b.bugeja@gov.mt
If you are preparing a project proposal for funding under Horizon Europe, you can ask for personalised support in your national language from your National Contact Point (NCP). NCPs exist in each EU member state, and they are also established in many non-EU and non-associated countries ("third countries").
In general, NCPs offer the following services :
As the NCPs are national structures, the type and level of services offered may differ from country to country.
Malta's National Contact Points are:
Get in touch with the above NCPs by sending an email on horizon.malta@gov.mt
Stephen Borg 2360 2208 |
Joint Research Centre |
Please click here to find your point of contact per country.
Malta's National Contact Point is:
Funds and Programmes Divisions
Email: territorialcoop.fpd@gov.mt
For more information click here
Sicily's National Contact Points is:
Presidenza della Regione Siciliana:Dipartimento della Programmazione Servizio V Cooperazione Territoriale Europea e Fondi Diretti
Email: stc.italia-malta@regione.sicilia.it
Email: territorialcoop.fpd@gov.mt
The Interreg MED National Contact Points are responsbile for the animation of the progranne impelemntation on national territory. Click here to find your NCP.
Malta's National Contact Points are:
Funds and Programmes Divisions
Email: territorialcoop.fpd@gov.mt
Participating EU Member State and Associated Countries have designated National Contact Points. Kindly click here to get to know your NCPs Malta's National Contact Point is : Maria Azzopardi Position: Deputy Director, Internationalisation Unit Tel: +356 23602 152 Email: international.mcst@gov.mt
MicroplasticsMalta's National Contact Point is : Maria Azzopardi Position: Deputy Director, Internationalisation Unit Tel: +356 23602 152 Email: international.mcst@gov.mt |
Click here to find a list of the National Programme Managers Malta National Programme Manager: Maria Azzopardi Position: Deputy Director, Internationalisation Unit Tel: +356 23602 175 Email: international.mcst@gov.mt
Malta's National Contact Point is : Maria Azzopardi Position: Deputy Director, Internationalisation Unit Tel: +356 23602 175 Email: international.mcst@gov.mt |
Kindly click on the following link to get to know your NCP : https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/support/ncp
Malta's National Contact Point is :
Melchior Cini
Position: Director
Tel: +356 2360 2153
Email: melchior.cini@gov.mt
Delegate: Karl Montebello
Position: Policy & Strategy Executive
Tel: +356 23602248
Email: karl.montebello@gov.mt
Each country has nominated representatives at national level to act as National Contact Points (NCPs). These representatives give support to applicants, are the primary points of contact for all general matters related to calls for proposals and can act as a link between PRIMA and the coordinator of the project. Click here to find the list of NCPs
Malta's National Contact Point is :
Contact Point: Dr Annalisa Cartabia
Position: Senior Executive, Internationalisation Unit
Tel: +356 23602 152
Email: prima.mcst@gov.mt
Internationalisation Partnership Awards Scheme + Mark Farrugia Position: R&I Executive Tel: (+356) 23602208 Email: mark.c.farrugia@gov.mt For more information click here Email: ri.mcst@gov.mt
Melchior Cini Email: melchior.cini@gov.mt For more information click here
Abigail Aquilina Email: abigail.aquilina@gov.mt Email: rep.mcst@gov.mt Stephen Borg Email: stephen.i.borg@gov.mt Email: rep.mcst@gov.mt For more information click here |
FUSION, is a National Funding Programme, supported through Malta Government funds and managed by Xjenza Malta. FUSION CVP - Commercialisation Voucher Programme Position: R&I Executive Tel: (+356) 23602174 Email: voucher.mcst@gov.mt For more information click here
FUSION TDP - Technology Development Programme Melchior Cini Position: Director Tel: +356 2360 2153 Email: melchior.cini@gov.mt Email: rtdi.mcst@gov.mt
Stephen Borg Position: Deputy Director Tel: +356 23602208 Email: stephen.i.borg@gov.mt Email: rtdi.mcst@gov.mt
Email: space.mcst@gov.mt For more information click here |