BrainHealth Partnership Shares Results from the Open Consultation on the SRIA Priorities

BrainHealth Partnership shares results from the Open Consultation on the SRIA Priorities
Monday, October 21, 2024

The results from the Open Consultation on the priorities of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for the European Partnership for BrainHealth are in!

Between July 17 and August 21, more than 550 respondents contributed to the development of a comprehensive roadmap aimed at promoting and preserving brain health while reducing the burden for people living with brain disorders across Europe.

Key research priorities and innovation areas of the SRIA include:

1. Promoting Brain Health and Preventing Disorders to identify brain health determinants and promote early prevention strategies across the lifespan,

2. Improving Early Detection, Treatment and Care for timely detection of brain disorders and innovative, personalised, therapeutic strategies – including digital and AI-powered tools,

3. Enhancing Care and Support to accelerate the translation of research into clinical practice, enable patient engagement in research and foster access to treatment.

4. Addressing Social, Ethical, and Legal Issues affecting brain health to develop guidelines for responsible innovation and care.

Promoting dialogue and fostering cooperation between scientists, clinicians, patients, industry, and society is at the heart of the CSA BrainHealth. We would like to thank all contributors who participated and provided their input on the SRIA.

The full report will be available on the below website.

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