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Carmen Frendo, Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Business, Management & Commerce, MCAST was invited to showcase the UNIMED project at the MED-WET final project event on 28 October 2024. The event was aimed at the exploration of sustainable water management solutions for farming communities in the Mediterranean region.
MED-WET is an initiative which aims at providing efficient low-cost and nature-based technologies and practices to improve the irrigation efficiency of small farmers in the Mediterranean region. The project involves partners from Malta, Germany, Egypt, Morocco and Portugal. MED-WET is 100% funded by Xjenza Malta through the PRIMA Programme, which is supported by the European Union.
The aim of the UNIMED project is to develop a unified, indicator-based, framework to better assess, adapt and ultimately cope with agricultural droughts under Mediterranean climate change conditions. The framework consisting of a Survivability-of-Droughts Index is being derived from the quantification of four underlying indices - perception, vulnerability, adaptability and recoverability. Each of these indices draws on a mutually exclusive set of relevant economic, social and environmental indicators, ensuring that the assessment framework is aligned with the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) Nexus approach. The UNIMED project is funded by the Xjenza Malta and the Scientific Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK) through the MCST-TÜBITAK 2022 Joint Call for R&I projects. This initiative is part of the PRIMA Programme supported by the European Union.
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