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WES Trade Ltd are excited to share the latest development about the SOLEAECH project - AN INTEGRATED SYSTEM DESIGN FOR OLIVE GROWING ENABLED BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGY IN RURAL AREAS OF MED REGIONS ADDRESSING WATER, SOIL AND ENERGY CHALLENGES in collaboration with Bahcesehir University of Istanbul, Turkey and funded under the bilateral call PRIMA MCST-TUBITAK Program 2023. Ms. Barbara Bracone, R&D Manager, and Mr. Milos Bogdanovic, ICT Manager, were in Turkey for an intense week of instrallations and meetings at Bahcesehir University premises.
This was a crusial step in the Company journey towards the creation of an integrated system for olive cultivation, enabled by Artivicial Intelligence technologies.
First, IRRIGOPTIMAL system was deployed in a field of olive trees located in Karsak, province of Bursa. The installation includes advanced sensors and a weather station for efficient collection of data and the consequent water and soil management. This system is designed to reduce waste and improve efficiency, allowing farmers to accurately predict the optimal amount of water for each soil type and to analyze and monitor real-time data. The methodology that will be used to crate and validate the model will include data coming from two olive trees operational pilot sites in Malta and Turkey, representing two specific Mediterranean contexts. The olive tree variety chosen in Turkey for this project is the Gemlik, one of the most common and widespred in the region.
Secondly, WES Trade and the BAU University representatives had the opportunity to discuss several important points related to current research and define clear activities and objectives for the success of the project. SOLEATECH research aims to create an innovative Preventive Model specific for olive trees based on Artificial intelligence which can serve as an Early Warning and Decision Support system for specific actions to be undertaken to improve olive productivity acting on soil and irrigation. The merging of information and the processing of collected data will provide possible correlations to design a new algorithm based on Artificial Intelligence specifically trained for olive trees.
The ultimate goal is to provide farmers with an AI-based decision-making tool, which allows them to accurately assess the state of olive fruit and take the most appropriate actions to maximize performance with the lowest possible environmental impact. This mission is a concrete commitment towards creating a sustainable future for olive cultivation in the Mediterranean regions.
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