Register on plumtri as an Individual or as an Organisation to gain access to all of its useful features and remain updated on the latest R&I news, events and funding opportunities. will provide € 2,925,000 of crucial funding to support the participation of European standardisation specialists in key international and global SDOs. Through nine open calls this funding will enable the specialists to contribute to and help create a fully integrated European Standardisation Ecosystem, thereby strengthening Europe's position in global standardisation initiatives.
The topics and priorities for the series of 2026 calls which will run from May 2023 until April 2025 are defined through continuous monitoring and careful analysis of the international ICT standards landscape with the involvement of Standards Development Organisations (SDOs) and National Standards Bodies (NSBs), key EC advisory groups including the High-Level Forum on European Standardisation (HLF) and the EU Multi-Stakeholder Platform for ICT Standardisation (MSP), and respected bodies such as’s Expert Advisory Group (EAG) and Forum for European Strategy on ICT Standards (FOREST).
CALL DEADLINE: 9th January 2024, 17:00 CET
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