
Uploaded On: 02/01/2023

A local team of engineers based at the University of Malta have successfully concluded the process of filing patents to protect leading-edge inventions powering the R&I initiative dubbed ICECAP. ICECAP, an acronym for Thermo-Electric Cooling for Electronic Systems applications, is a project spearheaded through partnership between the Department of Electronic Systems Engineering at the University of Malta and local manufacturing company New Energy Ltd. This project seeks to introduce novel ...


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Uploaded On: 19/07/2022

The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) is a new transnational initiative (part of the European Partnerships under Horizon Europe) on joint Research, Technological Development, and Innovation (RTDI) programming to boost and accelerate the energy transition, building upon regional and national RTDI funding programmes. The transition envisioned by the CETPartnership will be a joint effort from industry, public organisations, research, and citizen organisations to make ...


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Uploaded On: 16/07/2020

Europe is looking to increase its use of renewable energy sources as a way of reducing emissions and to tackle global warming. However, integrating the likes of solar and wind power into electricity grids remains a challenge due to fluctuations in supply and limited storage capacity. This is an issue for power system operators who need to maintain security of electricity supplies to homes and industry. Smart grids could provide an answer. They embrace a range of technologies, applications and ...


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