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The Open Science Autumn will provide expert knowledge and practical skills to raise the awareness of early career researchers for a comprehensive and recent understanding of Open Science and to support them to integrate Open Science techniques into their own research. Following the UNIC4ER Engaged Research Strategy, doctoral researchers and postdocs will discuss the impact of Open Science – for their research but also for society.
The Open Science Autumn combines expert discussions and qualification workshops. Experts of all universities share their knowledge and experiences on the most important aspects of Open Science. Their joint discussions with the participants contribute to shared understandings of Open Science and integrate doctoral researchers and postdocs into the ongoing discussions – taking into account the diversity of research. The expert discussions and workshops consider training offers already existing at the individual universities and try to advance the knowledge and skills within the network. Existing offers at individual partner universities can be integrated into the programme. The Open Science Autumn is part of the UNIC4ER Open Science Campus.
Documentation of Participation
Participation in individual activities will be documented by confirmations of participation with date and time. The participation in all events and 1 workshop will be documented in a comprehensive Open Science Certificate of the network (incl. participation in existing offers at single partner universities).
Registration will open in mid-September 2023.
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