Impjiegi / Internships

Aktar informazzjoni dwar opportunitajiet ta' xogħol u taħriġ fl-UE kif ukoll informazzjoni dwar id-drittijiet tiegħek bħala riċerkatur tinstab fuq il-PORTAL EURAXESS 

L-Organizzazzjoni li qed toffri: Xjenza Malta

Xjenza Malta is currently seeking to recruit 2 Executives (Research & Innovation) who will be responsible for designing and management of R&I initiatives, cultivating robust connections with external stakeholders, and championing our organization’s endeavours. To know more about this role, duties, requisites, working conditions and how to apply, please visit the below link. R&I Vacancy small.jpg Information and image source...

Aqra iktar ->


Tagħlaq: 2024-10-08

Indirizz Elettroniku:

L-Organizzazzjoni li qed toffri: FOSS Research Centre for Sustainable Energy of the University of Cyprus

The PV Technology Laboratory of the FOSS Research Centre for Sustainable Energy ofthe University of Cyprus announces one (1) vacancy for a full-time or part-time Special Scientist position to work on research programmes of the lab related to renewable energy sources, smart grids, energy storage, and energy communities. It should be noted that one (1) month of full-time employment at the University of Cyprus corresponds to 140 working hours. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor’s and/or Master's...

Aqra iktar ->


Tagħlaq: 2024-10-04

Indirizz Elettroniku: see below link

L-Organizzazzjoni li qed toffri: FOSS Research Centre for Sustainable Energy of the University of Cyprus

The PV Technology Laboratory of the FOSS Research Centre for Sustainable Energy of the University of Cyprus announces one (1) vacancy for a full-time or part-time Special Scientist position to work on research programmes of the lab related to renewable energy sources, smart grids, energy storage, and energy communities. It should be noted that one (1) month of full-time employment at the University of Cyprus corresponds to 140 working hours. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor’s and/or Master's ...

Aqra iktar ->


Tagħlaq: 2024-10-04

Indirizz Elettroniku: see below link

L-Organizzazzjoni li qed toffri: Fusion For Energy

Do you have a track record in supply chain management along with financial mastery? Are you ready to lead and inspire a team of highly specialised professionals? Then this is the job for you as we are looking for our new Head of Contracts unit! Fusion for Energy (F4E) is managing Europe’s contribution to ITER, the biggest fusion experiment, and is contributing to several other major projects in the same domain. The fusion landscape is changing fast and F4E as a key European player has just ...

Aqra iktar ->


Tagħlaq: 2024-09-19

Indirizz Elettroniku: see below link

L-Organizzazzjoni li qed toffri: Clean Energy Transition Partnership

Xjenza Malta is seeking suitable experts to participate in the scientific evaluation within the new Horizon Europe transnational initiative: the Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership).   Candidates must have expertise in at least two of the following Transition Initiatives (TRIs): TRI1: Optimized integrated European net-zero emissions energy system TRI2: Enhanced zero emission power technologies TRI3: Enabling climate neutrality with storage technologies, hydrogen and ...

Aqra iktar ->


Tagħlaq: 2024-09-09

Indirizz Elettroniku:

L-Organizzazzjoni li qed toffri: Xjenza Malta

Xjenza Malta is currently seeking to recruit an Executive (Projects – Internationalisation) who will be responsible for promoting, managing and overseeing the implementation of Malta’s participation in international (bilateral & multilateral) R&I programmes and projects. The Executive will form part of the Internationalisation Unit (IU) at Xjenza Malta . To know more about this role, duties, requisites, working conditions and how to apply, please visit the below link. Information ...

Aqra iktar ->


Tagħlaq: 2024-08-22

Indirizz Elettroniku: see below link

L-Organizzazzjoni li qed toffri: UN Ocean Decade

The vision of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development is the ‘science we need for the ocean we want’. To achieve the transformative revolution in ocean science generation and uptake that is envisaged by the Ocean Decade, it is essential that all actors – regardless of geography, gender or generation – can actively participate in and benefit from the Decade. This will require the fostering and strengthening of skills and capacity in the co-design, co-delivery and use ...

Aqra iktar ->


Tagħlaq: 2024-08-19

Indirizz Elettroniku: see below link

L-Organizzazzjoni li qed toffri: JPI Oceans

The Joint Programming Initiative Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans (JPI Oceans) is a pan-European intergovernmental platform that strives to increase efficiency and impact of national investments in marine and maritime research and innovation. JPI Oceans focuses on long-term collaboration between EU Member States, Associated Countries and international partners and adds to the value of national research and innovation investments by aligning national priorities, addressing them with Joint ...

Aqra iktar ->


Tagħlaq: 2024-07-31

Indirizz Elettroniku:

L-Organizzazzjoni li qed toffri: Malta Council for Science & Technology (MCST)

The Malta Council for Science and Technology is currently seeking to recruit an Executive (Projects – Internationalisation), 1 Definite position with the possibility of renewal, and 1 Indefinite position. The Internationalisation Executive’s responsibility is to promote, manage and oversee the implementation of Malta’s participation in international (bilateral & multilateral) R&I programmes and projects. To know more about this role, duties, requisites, working conditions and ...

Aqra iktar ->


Tagħlaq: 2024-07-01

Indirizz Elettroniku:,

L-Organizzazzjoni li qed toffri: Malta Council for Science & Technology (MCST)

The Malta Council for Science and Technology is currently seeking to recruit a Part-Time Executive (Framework Programme Projects) who will be responsible for ensuring the successful implementation and coordination of activities within the ECHoS project. To know more about this role, duties, requisites, working conditions and how to apply, please visit the below link. PT Executive small.jpg   Information and image source...

Aqra iktar ->


Tagħlaq: 2024-06-13

Indirizz Elettroniku: see below link
