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Gender-mainstreaming forms a crucial pillar of the EU’s approach to R&I (research and innovation). Hence, ensuring that opportunities for participation, advancement and decision-making in R&I are structured towards removing institutional barriers and facilitating an inclusive Maltese ecosystem will be vital in our research landscape’s evolution. The Malta Council for Science and Technology is fully committed to this endeavour and is participating in EU level discussions and EU-wide initiatives to unlock the necessary know-how, good practices and resources.
One such initiative is the Genderactionplus project which is working on many levels and on a range of themes to ensure that expertise and know how is exchanged among EU member states on gender mainstreaming and the implementation of Gender Equality Plans. The project addresses the need for intersectional gender considerations to be included in R&I policy design, implementation and evaluation. There is a focus on gender balance in research teams and in decision making and leadership as well as on the gender dimension in research, innovation and teaching.
As the Genderactionplus project activities are now well underway, our aim is to bring to your attention relevant project news, results and resources. The attached flyer and project website provide details of all the activities underway.
The project is working on the following thematic areas:
If the project is of interest to you, please visit the project website where you can find the latest information and the opportunity to subscribe to the newsletter for regular updates.
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