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The call is open for RegioStars 2024 nominations! Every year, the European Commission gives recognition to innovative and inspiring regional development projects. Is this your year to shine in the RegioStars awards?
The 2024 awards cover five categories:
To be eligible, the project must be closed and fully implemented. It should also demonstrate results or impact at the regional level.
Pre-selection of Interreg Europe projects
If you see RegioStars' potential in your Interreg Europe project, act now and express your interest to participate.
We can support the nomination of up to 5 Interreg Europe projects. A project that was submitted in previous editions is eligible to be re-submitted this year. Our managing authority will make the final decision on the project(s) to be submitted for the RegioStars 2024.
Application deadline: 22 April 2024.
Visit the below link to read further about this opportunity.