Research and Innovation Grant Scheme 2024

Research and Innovation Grant Scheme 2024

The Energy and Water Agency would like to announce its fifth call of the current ongoing scheme being the Energy and Water Research and Innovation scheme.

The Application period is open from the 24th of June until the 23rd of September, to which should be focused on at least one of the specific areas below: 

  • Optimizing Greywater systems to improve water use efficiency
  • Efficient Agricultural Irrigation Systems
  • Enhancing the potential of, or introducing novel implementation, of Solar & Wind systems
  • Integration of Grid and Storage with Energy Sources and Demand-Side Management

This iteration of the scheme maintains the previous Technology Readiness Level (TRL) requirements as well as project timelines can now range from 2 to 3 years. Beneficiaries are also expected to produce a prototype or model that operates effectively within a suitable environment.

This change was implemented to demonstrate the tangible outcomes that can result from Research & Innovation and underscore the importance of R&I in achieving sustainability goals. The scheme has allocated a budget of €400,000, with each project eligible to request a maximum budget of €200,000. Applicants are required to submit their applications as part of a consortium.

All relevant information can be found in the corresponding Rules for Participation.

An Information Session is scheduled for Friday 28th June at 3 pm to provide further details about the scheme. Click here to register.

Information and image source:
The Energy & Water Agency
Call Deadline: 
It-Tnejn, September 23, 2024
Further Information:
External Link