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Source of Funding: JPI Oceans
With the support of Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania and the UK, JPI Oceans aims to further advance scientific knowledge in support of policy making on deep-sea mining, while facilitating the analysis of related ethical implications and societal consequences.
The scope of this joint call results from a yearlong process in which scientists, policy makers, industry, and NGO representatives as well as interested JPI Oceans members gathered to take stock of knowledge gaps and future research priorities. Exploring the potential of a successor activity to two previous phases of the JPI Oceans Joint Action on the ecological aspects of deep-sea mining, experts, policy makers, and interested JPI Oceans members gathered first in a scoping meeting on 11 October 2022. Several aspects of deep-sea mining impact were identified that require further or more detailed investigation. Following up, a meeting was set up with the ISA secretariat to identify the information needs from a policy perspective. This step was complemented by a stakeholder consultation workshop in which representatives from NGOs and industry were consulted to give their perspective on a third phase of the Joint Action.
As a result of these meetings and a brief review of recently published studies, the following issues have been identified as important scientific objectives in a successor phase:
Ecosystem dynamics
Ecological impacts of polymetallic nodule mining
Ecological impacts of massive sulphide mining
Science-based support to governance
While the previously funded MiningImpact II project studied ecological impacts of a pre-prototype polymetallic nodule collector vehicle (Patania II) exploitation test, in a follow-up phase fieldwork in one of the funded projects could be linked to a full-scale mining test which includes a riser system. Monitoring of the industrial equipment test should particularly aim at reducing the existing uncertainties with respect to the discharged sediment plume and its short- to long-distance impacts on the pelagic ecosystem through released substances, suspended particle concentrations, and eventually deposited blankets of displaced sediment.
In general projects are encouraged to inform the ongoing work of the International Seabed Authority and its members and consider opportunities to align their activities with the strategic research priorities of the ISA Action Plan for Marine Scientific Research.
Continue reading on the below link.
Source of Funding: European Commission
Culture Moves Europe Call Document Culture Moves Europe- Second Call for Residency Hosts Call document European Cooperation Projects Call document European Networks of Cultural and Creative Organisations Call document European Platforms for the Promotion of Emerging Artists Pan Call document TV and online content media Call document Innovative Tools and Business Model Call document Video Games and Immersive Content Development Call document European slate development media Call document European VOD Networks and Operators Call document Films on the move Call document Networks of European Festivals Call document Journalism Partnerships- Collaborations Call document Journalism Partnerships- Pluralism Call document Media Literacy Call document Creative Innovation lab Call document Application deadlines differ from call to call, please access the respective call link to read further or the below link.Each year a number of calls are issued under the media, culture and cross sectoral strand. All calls are issue on the portal https://culture.ec.europa.eu/. Below one can find the list of calls divided according to the relevant strands.
Culture Strand
Media Strand
Cross Sectoral
Information and logo source:
Source of Funding: StandICT.eu
StandICT.eu will provide € 2,925,000 of crucial funding to support the participation of European standardisation specialists in key international and global SDOs. Through nine open calls this funding will enable the specialists to contribute to and help create a fully integrated European Standardisation Ecosystem, thereby strengthening Europe's position in global standardisation initiatives.
The topics and priorities for the series of StandICT.eu 2026 calls which will run from May 2023 until April 2025 are defined through continuous monitoring and careful analysis of the international ICT standards landscape with the involvement of Standards Development Organisations (SDOs) and National Standards Bodies (NSBs), key EC advisory groups including the High-Level Forum on European Standardisation (HLF) and the EU Multi-Stakeholder Platform for ICT Standardisation (MSP), and respected bodies such as StandICT.eu’s Expert Advisory Group (EAG) and Forum for European Strategy on ICT Standards (FOREST).
CALL DEADLINE: 9th January 2024, 17:00 CET
Visit the below link to read further.
Source of Funding: Restore4Life
Restore4Life project are looking for at least 5 Associated Regions1 that we can provide with technical assistance to use the outcomes and knowledge of Restore4Life to prepare roadmaps, plans, and projects to restore wetland ecosystems in their region.
The aim is to share the results and knowledge of the project on an ongoing basis with the selected ‘associated regions’ and to provide them with scientific and technical support for the implementation of wetland restoration solutions in their territory. This will involve the twinning of each Associated Region with a similar demonstration site and the provision of technical advisory services necessary to prepare roadmaps, plans and projects to restore ecosystems in the associated regions addressing possible barriers and showing the feasibility of implementing innovative solutions.
To achieve this, we will implement special formats, interactive workshops and a platform for twinning activities to continuously share Restore4Life outcomes and knowledge. All developed tools and restoration measures will be fully open, usable, and made applicable to the Associated Regions.
By joining us as an Associated Region, you will have the opportunity to access our expertise, knowledge, and tools to develop your own roadmap, plan, or project to restore wetland ecosystems in your region.
Eligibility Coutnries:
Funding Activities:
The grant each associated region can apply for is up to € 100,000.
List of type of activities that can receive financial: support:
This call will open on 1 February 2024 and application deadline is scheduled for 29 May 2024. Visit the below link for further information.
An Information session will be held on 15 December 2023.
Source of Funding: X2.0 Driving Deeptech Growth Project - EU Funded
X2.0 cohort 4 focuses on Smart Cities and Sustainability domains and seeks innovative and impact-driven deeptech startups! This time around we are looking for teams that aim to leverage the latest technology or scientific discoveries to enhance the quality of life for residents and urban environments all the while promoting sustainable practices and way of life.
This cohort focus encompasses a wide range of sub-topics and areas of focus which can be seen to overlap and interconnect like: urban mobility & clean transportation, urban planning and development, public safety and securiX2.0 cohort 4 focuses on Smart Cities and Sustainability domains and seeks innovative and impact-driven deeptech startups! This time around we are looking for teams that aim to leverage the latest technology or scientific discoveries to enhance the quality of life for residents and urban environments all the while promoting sustainable practices and way of life.
This cohort focus encompasses a wide range of sub-topics and areas of focus which can be seen to overlap and interconnect like: urban mobility & clean transportation, urban planning and development, public safety and security, energy efficiency, circular economy, resource efficiency, water and air quality, waste management, climate change mitigation, environmental monitoring, resilience and disaster preparedness.ty, energy efficiency, circular economy, resource efficiency, water and air quality, waste management, climate change mitigation, environmental monitoring, resilience and disaster preparedness.
Why to participate / Benefits
Innovation Vouchers to cover
Other Program Benefits
Continue reading further on the below link.
Source of Funding: Malta Council for Science and Technology
The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) is a multilateral and strategic Horizon Europe partnership with the aim of empowering the energy transition and contributing to the EU’s goal of becoming the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.
The 2023 CETPartnership Joint Call is a 2-stage call structured around 12 call modules. The call modules describe specific topics and/or challenges that applicants shall address in their project proposal. Applicants must choose and apply a specific call module when submitting their project proposal. Evaluation and ranking of the project proposals will be performed separately per call module.
Call Module Number | Title |
2023-01 | Direct current (DC) technologies for power networks |
2023-02 | Energy system flexibility: renewables production, storage, and system integration |
2023-03A | Advanced renewable energy technologies for power production (Research-Oriented Approach) |
2023-03B | Advanced renewable energy technologies for power production (Innovation-Oriented Approach) |
2023-04 | Carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) |
2023-05 | Hydrogen and renewable fuels |
2023-06 | Heating and cooling technologies |
2023-07 | Geothermal energy technologies |
2023-08 | Integrated regional energy systems |
2023-09 | Integrated industrial energy systems |
2023-10A | Clean energy integration in the built environment (Research-Oriented Approach) |
2023-10B | Clean energy integration in the built environment (Innovation-Oriented Approach) |
Entities in Malta are eligible for funding in all call modules, with the option of requesting up to €500,000 to participate in CETPartnership proposal consortia. It is to be noted that if more than one national partner is present in one consortium, the total amount of funding for the participating national partners cannot exceed the €500,000 cap.
Visit the below link to download the guidelines and application forms.
The presentation given during the info session held on 10th October 2023 can be downloaded from here, while the recording can be followed here: Call Text and National Considerations.
Do you have the next big digital idea to empower citizens to make healthier food choices and create more sustainable food systems?
Apply to our Open Call #1 for your chance to join our FOODITY programme, get funded up to €187.500, and receive training and support to develop your solution!
FOODITY are running a 1M€ pilot development programme for creating 6 data-driven solutions to drive innovation in food and nutrition while putting the power of personal data use back into the hands of citizens.
Visit the below link to read further.
Watch the recorded information session by clicking here.
Source of Funding: European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
The 2023 CEF Transport calls for proposals make EUR 7 billion available for projects targeting new and improved European transport infrastructure.
Projects funded under these calls will help to increase the sustainability of the trans-European transport network, putting the EU on track to meet the European Green Deal objective of cutting transport emissions by 90% by 2050.
The calls support the European Commission’s vision of a future sustainable transport system, with smart and resilient solutions implemented to interconnect Europe.
The EU needs an efficient and interconnected multimodal transport system for both passengers and freight. This includes an affordable, reliable and performing rail network, an enhanced inland waterways navigation and infrastructure in maritime ports, a balanced interconnection between transport modes and an increased automation and interoperability for greater efficiency and safety of the transport network.
The calls cover the Core and Comprehensive TEN-T networks in the following areas:
Visit the below link to read further.
Source of Funding: Malta Council for Science and Technology
The Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) is receiving proposals under the Internationalisation Partnership Awards Scheme Plus (IPAS+). The Scheme is divided into two options. Applicants are to fill in the appropriate sections of the form; they may select either Option A or Option B, or both:
Option A: opportunities for collaborative initiatives between Maltese entities and at least one foreign entity of proven track record of excellence. Proposals should describe the nature of the joint activities that would be funded through the Award. Applicants are to demonstrate how the proposed activities contribute towards and align with achieving the goals of the National R&I Strategy, and to describe the potential of any activities to become self-sustaining or generate longer-term outcomes.
Option B: opportunities for Maltese entities intending to submit a Horizon Europe/Partnerships proposal as the coordinator of the consortium to engage a service provider (local or foreign) who will be supporting the applicant through proposal writing and submission. The amount of the Award available to any one successful applicant is capped at €6000 per Option. Some exceptions regarding the financial capping for Option B can be found in the rules for participation. All projects are evaluated by a selection panel set up by MCST on the basis of evaluation criteria outlined in the Call text.
Interested Applicants are to submit their application form electronically to ipas.mcst@gov.mt keeping in copy Mr. Robert Cauchi at robert.cauchi@gov.mt with “IPAS+ – Application 2023” as subject heading. The deadline for submission is Friday 13th October 2023 at 11.30pm. The application must be dated and signed by the applicant and the legal representative. All received applications shall be acknowledged by email. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
An online info session with more details on the IPAS+ call will be held on Wednesday 13th September 2023 at 10.00am. To register for this info session kindly press here.
IPAS+ Option B deadline is being extended to 27th October 2023 at 11.30pm. Please note that Option A deadline remain as it is and the call will close this Friday, 13th. Applications targeting both Option A and Option B in a single proposal should submit their application by this Friday, 13th. Applications for Option B only may be sent by 27th October extended deadline! |
Continue reading and download the application forms from the below link.
Source of Funding: Fondi.eu
This incentive seeks to assist Micro Enterprises through non-repayable Grants to part-finance investment to digitalise their operations, and hence improve their resilience, efficiency, productivity and customer experience by addressing new digital capabilities and digitalised processes such as product and process design and engineering, end-to-end procurement, supply chain/distribution and after sales.
Eligible Organisations
Micro Enterprises
This scheme is funded through the Recovery and Resilience Fund and will part-finance 50% of the eligible costs with a maximum funding amount of €10,000 per digitalisation investment in digital technologies per operation. Investments in Gozo will benefit from an additional 10% aid intensity.
Check out the below link to download guidelines and to check the next cut off date.
Please find hereunder a recording of the information session held in May 2023.