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Organisation offering: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
The University of Cyprus invites Postdoctoral Researchers to submit applications for twenty-seven (27) full-time Postdoctoral Research positions under the research programme titled: “ONISILOS – Co-funding International, Interdisciplinary and Intersectoral research excellence at the University of Cyprus”. ONISILOS fellowships are available to top Researchers from around the world and within the frame of specific intersectoral and interdisciplinary disciplines and topics that can ...
Deadline: 2024-02-25
E-mail address: see link below
Organisation offering: Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO)
The Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO) is a non-profit, non-governmental international organization founded in 2018. Founding members include 37 scientific institutions, universities, and international organizations worldwide. ANSO aims to improve regional and global capacity in science and technology, human livelihoods and wellbeing, and to promote broader S&T cooperation and communication. The ANSO Scholarship for Young Talents (hereinafter referred to as the ...
Deadline: 2024-02-15
E-mail address: see link below
Organisation offering: Erasmus+
SciCultureD is organising a five-day course to develop new ways of thinking and creative learning in collaboration with local organisations. Through artistic workshops, hands-on activities and a pinch of entrepreneurship training, participants embark in collaborative relationships that generate a response to a given societal challenge, in line with the objectives of the European Green Deal and the Sustainable Development Goals. SciCultureD.jpg Course location and days:&...
Deadline: 2024-02-12
E-mail address: see link below
Organisation offering: European Commission MSCA COFUND PhD program
SEED, which stands for Societal, Energy, Environmental, industrial and Digital transitions, is a 60-month interdisciplinary, international and intersectoral doctoral training programme offered by IMT Atlantique and co-funded by the European Union. The programme itself is designed to nurture four key dimensions: thesis interdisciplinarity, internationality, cross-sector experience, and promotion of innovation. It offers 40 fully funded early-stage researcher (...
Deadline: 2024-01-31
Tel: SEED: training the next generation of scientists
E-mail address: see link below
Organisation offering: EIT Urban Mobility
If you're passionate about urban mobility and eager to learn in the beautiful setting of Gozo in Malta, embark on a journey of knowledge and discovery. EXCEL Winter School, co-funded by EIT Urban Mobility, invites bachelor students who are at least in their second year of education to a transformative learning experience. The online preparatory week kicks off in December 2023, followed by a study visit in Gozo, Malta between 12th February and 16th February 2024, covering expenses for travel, ...
Deadline: 2023-12-11
E-mail address: see link below
Organisation offering: Europa Media Trainings Ltd
Europa Media’s courses and workshops have been supporting more than 10,000 participants working for public and private organisations to the development of successful project proposals and effective management of projects under the EU's research and innovation programmes since 1999, year in which Framework Programme 5 started. The knowledge we share feeds directly from our own experience in the field: under Horizon 2020 alone, our team has been involved in over 30 projects as ...
Deadline: 2024-06-19
E-mail address: see link below
Organisation offering: Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD) is Austria's largest online database for scholarships and research funding for all scientific fields. The funding opportunities for students, graduates and researchers range from traditional scholarships, grants and prizes to comprehensive national, European and international research funding programmes. offers more than 1,200 entries with information on Funding measures for study or research stays for outgoings (Austrians who want to go to other ...
Deadline: 2024-11-09
E-mail address: see link below
Organisation offering: Biomedical Technologies and Innovation (BIOTIN) Doctoral Programme
BIOTIN doctoral programme features an international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral approach to provide 10 doctoral candidates (DCs) a unique blend of research training skills in the convergence of life sciences, engineering and entrepreneurship skills, with the aim of advancing innovation in biomedical and bioengineering fields. The programme will be a unique educational experience immersing DCs in courses and trainings on entrepreneurship at the early stages of their curriculum, and on ...
Deadline: 2023-12-30
E-mail address: see link below
Organisation offering: Physics for Future (P4F)
The Physics for Future (P4F) is an MSCA COFUND programme aimed at hiring 60 fellows over two recruitment cycles in autumn 2023 and 2025. In this first call, 30 postdoctoral fellows will be recruited. The P4F programme is coordinated by the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The fellows are invited to submit bottom-up proposals in three broadly defined areas: Materials for Society, Matter under Extreme Conditions, and ...
Deadline: 2023-11-10
E-mail address: see link below
Organisation offering: CONTRABASS (MSCA Doctorate Network)
CONTRABASS is offering 10 PhD positions in several universities, research centres and industries in Europe. CONTRABASS is a MSCA doctorate network (DN) focused on the fundamental physico-chemical processes governing the Carbonation of the clinker phases and the cement paste, as well as the subsequent formation of Calcium Carbonate Cements (CCCs). Who is eligible Doctoral Candidates (DC): Must hold a Masters degree or an equivalent degree in chemistry, material science, physics or engineering ...
Deadline: 2023-10-31
E-mail address: see link below