Calls for Funding



NEMO Open Call #2

NEMO Open Call #2

Source of Funding: NEMO

NEMO announces Open Call #2, which aims to validate user acceptance and boost NEMO massive adoption and sustainability. NEMO Open Call #2 invites EU based SMEs to extend the NEMO use cases by porting their new or existing applications and services into the NEMO meta-OS, in the verticals of the NEMO Living Labs. The proposed applications should leverage NEMO capabilities and demonstrate the meta-OS potential in satisfying high-demanding requirements, including (but not limited to):

  • High device heterogeneity, including low-capable IoT devices

  • On-device machine learning

  • Low latency & high bandwidth

  • Increased energy efficiency and reduced energy footprint of IT operations

  • Sustainable IT investments through data, resource and/or service monetization

The open call will have three phases:

  1. DESIGN (2 months duration) allowing the applicant to fine-tune their application concept.
  2. EXPERIMENT (6 months duration) allowing the applicant to develop the proposed meta-OS application providing an MVP.
  3. GROWTH (1 month duration) allowing the applicant to promote and exploit their project, aiming to engage new customers and/or partners and/or investors.

The total amount of funding that each SME will receive is up to €90,000, while the total funding that will be provided is €900,000.

Visit the below link to read further.

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Cancer Research Programme

Cancer Research Programme

Source of Funding: Xjenza Malta (formerly the Malta Council for Science and Technology - MCST)

Following the proposal of the Action Plan for the Health and Well-being Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3) and after several consultations between Xjenza Malta (formerly known as the Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST)) and the Cancer Research and Innovation Hub Malta (CRIHM), a dedicated thematic programme for cancer research has been designed.   The Cancer Research Programme aims to support research that might in the future help reduce the incidence of cancer, improve cancer treatment, survival, and the quality of life of cancer patients.   The Cancer Research Programme aims to support capacity-building efforts related to:

  • Molecular Research and Diagnostic Innovations
  • Community-Based Cancer Research
  • Therapeutic Development and Clinical Strategies
  • Psychosocial Support and Patient-Centred Approaches

It aims to support fundamental and translational research including genetic, pharmacogenomic, proteomics, pharmaceutical, cellular, and pre-clinical in vivo research into the causes, mechanisms, diagnosis, treatment or prevention of cancer as well as research targeting psychosocial aspects of cancer, its treatment and survival.

Visit the below link to continue reading and download the application guidelines.

An online information session will be held on 28 June 2024, starting at 13:00. Click here to register.

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Research and Innovation Grant Scheme 2024

Research and Innovation Grant Scheme 2024

Source of Funding: The Energy & Water Agency

The Energy and Water Agency would like to announce its fifth call of the current ongoing scheme being the Energy and Water Research and Innovation scheme.

The Application period is open from the 24th of June until the 23rd of September, to which should be focused on at least one of the specific areas below: 

  • Optimizing Greywater systems to improve water use efficiency
  • Efficient Agricultural Irrigation Systems
  • Enhancing the potential of, or introducing novel implementation, of Solar & Wind systems
  • Integration of Grid and Storage with Energy Sources and Demand-Side Management

This iteration of the scheme maintains the previous Technology Readiness Level (TRL) requirements as well as project timelines can now range from 2 to 3 years. Beneficiaries are also expected to produce a prototype or model that operates effectively within a suitable environment.

This change was implemented to demonstrate the tangible outcomes that can result from Research & Innovation and underscore the importance of R&I in achieving sustainability goals. The scheme has allocated a budget of €400,000, with each project eligible to request a maximum budget of €200,000. Applicants are required to submit their applications as part of a consortium.

All relevant information can be found in the corresponding Rules for Participation.

An Information Session is scheduled for Friday 28th June at 3 pm to provide further details about the scheme. Click here to register.

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CORTEX2 Open Call #2

CORTEX2 Open Call #2

Source of Funding: CORTEX2

CORTEX2 are looking for XR innovators, from companies (tech startups/SMEs) to research institutions (universities, NGOs, foundations, associations), to co-develop our CORTEX2 platform.

Our goal? To deliver an inclusive XR teleconference platform while involving organisations in the ‘Lab-To-Market’ stage that will bring new modules and features, enhancing the functionalities and opportunities CORTEX2 can provide.

In total, we will invest €1M in our Open Call #2 to fund and support 10 teams that will be part of our journey.

The call is open from 13 July 2024 to 15 August 2024 at 17:00 CET. All applications will be evaluated by external experts.

Applicants must be based in an EU or Horizon Europe-associated country, and their applications must be submitted in English through the F6S platform.

Visit the below link to read further.

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PRIMA Training and Mobility Award

PRIMA Training and Mobility Award

Source of Funding: Malta Council for Science and Technology

The PRIMA Training and Mobility Award is now accepting applications. This award supports Malta-based eligible entities to form collaborative links with at least one foreign counterpart from any one of the 19 PRIMA Participating States.

Funding Opportunities:

  • In-person short training and/or placements for local researchers in foreign entities,
  • Strategic and targeted visits by local applicants to foreign entities,
  • Knowledge-transfer and/or dissemination seminars or workshops held in Malta, on specific PRIMA R&I thematic areas (water management, sustainable farming systems, and agro-food value chain).

Applicants must demonstrate that the proposed activities will:

  • Develop effective cross-border collaborations,
  • Undertake research and/or training in PRIMA thematic areas,
  • Lead to the submission of a proposal to any PRIMA-related calls.

Eligible entities established in Malta can apply for funding up to EUR 8,000.

Please find below the application forms and guidelines.

PDF icon PTMA Rules Non State Aid - 2024.pdf

PRIMA Training and Mobility Award is part of the PRIMA Programme supported by the European Union.

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ENFIELD 1st Call

ENFIELD 1st Call

Source of Funding: Enfield

ENFIELD project has 1.1M€ to provide support at least 18 small scale projects to answer specific technical challenges. 

ENFIELD will launch 2 Open Calls to attract R&D intensive establishments to conduct applied research activities within energy, healthcare, manufacturing, and space sectors. At the same time, ENFIELD will spread the latest and most advanced knowledge to the academic and industrial AI laboratories beyond the consortium members and build a stronger network across Europe.

Enfield Innovation Scheme Webinar will be held on 17 June 2024 at 14:30 CET.

Visit the below link to read further.

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The Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) Instrument calls 2024 for Strand 1 and Strand 2a

The Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) Instrument calls 2024 for Strand 1 and Strand 2a

Source of Funding: European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)

The European Commission launched a call for proposals under the Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) Instrument for:

  • Strand 1 targets consortia of innovation actors from regions (of different levels of development and innovation performance) with shared or complementary smart specialisation areas, which are ready to make investments in interregional innovation projects. 
  • Strand 2a focuses on supporting interregional innovation investments aiming at developing value chains in less developed regions and reinforcing the integration of innovation actors in EU value chains. 

The estimated total available call budget for 2024 is EUR 31 million for Strand 1 and EUR 36 million for Strand 2a. 

The deadline for submission of applications for both strands is 5 December 2024, 17.00 CET.

An online information session will be held on 13 June 2024, visit the below link to read futher and register.

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LAUDS Factories 2024 Call 1

LAUDS Factories Logo

Source of Funding: LAUDS Exploration

LAUDS Factories invites artists/creative people and technology providers to submit proposals for Experiments aimed at exploring and working with LAUDS factories to enhance their usability and uptake, while answering to pressing challenges in the mobility, energy and agriculture/food production sectors. The project has 240.000 EUR to provide support to at least 6 Experiments that will be collaborating with LAUDS Factories in activities such as conceiving novel uses of technologies that help push for green solutions, and/or exploring alternative design methods using artistic practices creating new industrial models connecting potential manufacturers partners, creatives and end-users. These activities should provide answers to proposed challenges by the three LAUDS Factories with which the selected hybrid teams are to cooperate.

The main objective is for hybrid teams to explore and work with LAUDS factories to enhance their usability and uptake, aligned with the wider scope, challenges and specific applicable conditions.

Continue reading further on the below link.

Webinar: 20 June 2024, commencing at 16:00 CET (duration 2 hours)

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Source of Funding: FOODITY

FOODITY is an impact-driven project funded under the Horizon Europe programme involving 7 partners from 7 countries.

Over the next 3 years (2023 – 2026), we will work together to ensure a dynamic ecosystem of digital solutions for food and nutrition that respect citizens’ rights to personal data sovereignty in Europe.

We are looking for:
  • Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs) and universities
  • Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and startups
  • Social innovation actors, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and citizen associations
  • Training organisations focused on the food industry

Visit the below link to read further.

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Science and Technology Cooperation (SINO-MALTA FUND)

Science and Technology Cooperation (SINO-MALTA FUND)

Source of Funding: Malta Council for Science and Technology

The Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of the People’s Republic of China would like to announce that the SINO-MALTA Fund 2024 Joint Call for Project Proposals is now open for Malta-based applicants. The SINO-MALTA Fund supports research, development, and innovation projects between Malta-based and China-based researchers.

For the SINO-MALTA 2024 Joint Call, the eligible Thematic Areas are:

  1. Health, with a focus on:
    • Cancer,
    • Cellular therapy,
    • Drug development,
    • Traditional Chinese Medicine,
    • Digital tools to support healthcare.
  2. Green and Blue Economy Transitions, with a focus on:
    • Renewable energy,
    • Sustainable mobility,
    • Smart manufacturing,
    • Marine and Maritime technologies.
  3. Digital technologies,
    • Digital technologies may remain general as a theme,
    • Digital technologies as a cross-cutting theme may be equally supported.

Proposal Deadline: 19th July 2024, 23:59 CET

The submission process for the 2024 Call will follow a one-stage process that allows for Malta-based applicants to find China-based partners to collaborate and submit a full proposal that describes the state of the art, methodology, implementation, and foreseen outcomes.

Visit the below link to download application forms and guidelines.

Register for the online info session for Malta-based entities on 3rd June 2024:

Session 1: For Academia & Public Entities (10:00 – 11:00 CET)

Session 2: For Private Entities (11:00 – 12:00 CET)

Click here to register. 
