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Source of Funding: Malta Council for Science and Technology
The Malta Council for Science and Technology would like to announce that it is currently receiving project proposals under the FUSION Technology Development Programme LITE.
Visit the below link to download application forms and guidelines.
Restore4Life are looking for at least 5 Associated Regions to receive up to €100,000 to prepare roadmaps, plans, and projects to restore wetland ecosystems in their region. The Call for Associated Regions is specifically designed to engage and collaborate with Local and Regional Authorities.
The aim is to share the results and knowledge of the project on an ongoing basis with the selected ‘associated regions’ and to provide them with scientific and technical support for the implementation of wetland restoration solutions in their territory. This will involve the twinning of each Associated Region with a similar demonstration site and the provision of technical advisory services necessary to prepare roadmaps, plans and projects to restore ecosystems in the associated regions addressing possible barriers and showing the feasibility of implementing innovative solutions.
On March 22, from 10 AM CET, Restore4Life will hold an Interactive Workshop on the Application for the Open Call. The workshop aims to provide valuable insights, clarify any questions you may have, and offer guidance on creating a successful Open Call application. We believe this session will be instrumental in ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the application requirements and, in turn, contribute to the success of your submission. If you’d like to attend the Workshop, you should register here.
The Open Call closes on 29 May 2024 at 5 PM CET (Brussels time).
Visit the below link to read further.
Source of Funding: Malta Council for Science and Technology
The Malta Council for Science and Technology would like to announce that it is currently receiving project proposals under the FUSION R&I: Research Excellence Programme.
This call provides financial support (up to €80,000) for the early-stage development of innovative projects, through a bottom-up approach. All scientific research areas are being considered, and for projects which may be commercially applicable, this programme targets research at the initial Technology Readiness Levels (between TRL 1 and TRL 4).
Project proposals should be sent electronically and received by not later than 23:59 CET on Monday, 18th March, 2024.
More information on this funding opportunity, the eligibility criteria, the rules for participation and the application form, can be found on the below link.
Contact us by email on (keeping in copy) for further information and to schedule one-to-one meetings.
An online information session will be held on Monday, 12th February 2024 at 13:00 CET. Click here to register for this informative event.
Source of Funding: SBEP - Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership
The Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership is a Horizon Europe co-funded partnership. It constitutes a network of 25 countries and the European Commission that enables an unprecedented effort to pool research and innovation investments and align national programmes at pan-European scale.
MCST, as one of the Research Funding Organisations launched the 2nd Joint Transnational Co-Funded Call and will be financially supporting R&I projects addressing challenges on the following priority areas:
Entities residing in Malta are eligible for funding, with the option of requesting up to €500,000 to participate in a SBEP proposal consortium*.
For further information on this year’s call, kindly refer to the Call Text, as well as the provisional National Rules for Participation for State Aid and Non-State Aid .
Pre-proposal submission deadline – 10th April 2024, 15:00 CET.
Visit the below link to read further and download the application forms, while the recording of the information session held on 22nd February 2024 here below.
Source of Funding: Interreg Malta-Italia
In the Gazzetta Ufficiale della Regione Siciliana no. 1 of 5 January 2024, the extract of the Public Notice 01/2023 for the presentation of cooperation projects under the specific objectives of the INTERREG VI – A Italia-Malta programme, approved by the Managing Authority with DDG no. 1273 of 29/12/2023, was published.
The total ERDF contribution is €27,669,485 divided as follows for each specific objective
Priority 1 – A smarter area of cooperation to promote research and innovation and the development of skills for smart specialisation
Priority 2 – A resilient cooperation area, which strengthens the protection and preservation of nature also through the efficient use of resources
Priority 3 – An area of efficient cooperation in social capital through the role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development
Priority 4 – An area of cooperation with better governance between Italy and Malta
The amounts shown above constitute the contribution of the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), equal to 80% of the INTERREG VI-A Italy Malta programme.
For Italian beneficiaries (public and private bodies as well as bodies governed by public law) the national contribution, equal to 20%, is ensured by the national Fondo di Rotazione, without prejudice to the rules on state aid.
For Maltese beneficiaries the national contribution, equal to 20%, is to be ensured from the partner itself.
Deadline: 4 April 2024
Continue reading on the below link.
Source of Funding: Malta Council for Science and Technology
PRIMA – Partnership for R&I in the Mediterranean – facilitates collaborative R&I in the areas of Water Management, Farming Systems and Agro-Food Chain. The Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus approach is mainstreamed into all its topics under the three thematic areas above.
PRIMA Participating States fund transnational R&I projects addressing the scope and objectives of the PRIMA Section 2 multi-topic call tackling the following topics:
Thematic Area 1: Water Management in the Nexus
Thematic Area 2: Farming Systems in the Nexus
Thematic Area 3: Agro-food Value Chain in the Nexus
Entities residing in Malta are eligible for funding under the Section 2 calls, with the option of requesting up to € 500,000 to participate in a PRIMA proposal consortium (N.B. if more than one National partner is present in one consortium, the total amount of funding for the participating National partners cannot exceed the € 500,000 capping).
Click on the below link to download guidelines and application forms. The recording of the workshop: PRIMA Collaborate - An Event Uniting MED Researchers in Malta for Innovation (8-9 February 2024) can be viewed here below:
PRIMA Section 2 Call is part of the PRIMA Programme supported by the European Union.
Source of Funding: Horizon Europe
n the 2ndWork Programme of Horizon Europe 2023-2024
Call deadlines varies from call to call, please click here to read further.
Source of Funding: European Commission
Supporting the deployment of trans-continental backbone networks, such as submarine cables, to strengthen the quality and resilience of connectivity between EU countries and beyond.
This topic will support studies for the deployment of backbone connectivity for routes within Member States (including OCTs), between Member States (including OCTs), and between Member States (including OCTs) and third countries which can fit within the scope described in Section 2.1 (CEF-DIG-2023-GATEWAYS-WORKS).
Proposals under this topic shall address studies including the preparatory work required prior to signing a contract with a supplier, such as marine ground surveys for submarine cables and application for required permits.
Click here to read further.
This topic will support the deployment of backbone connectivity for routes within Member States (including OCTs), between Member States (including OCTs), and between Member States (including OCTs) and third countries:
(1) where there is a lack of redundancy on a route. This is typically the case of routes which are not served by at least two present or credibly planned backbone infrastructures; or
(2) where existing or credibly planned backbone infrastructure cannot reliably satisfy the demand, taking into account, the increase in demand linked to ongoing or credibly planned investments in the upgrade of access networks in territories concerned. The utilisation of existing capacity as well as the expected lifetime of existing backbone networks are among the elements that may be taken into account to justify such a market failure and the urgency of intervention; or
(3) where despite the presence of a backbone infrastructure providing sufficient capacity and guaranteeing the necessary redundancy, in the absence of credible plans from alternative operators to enter the market, the users in the served territories suffer (or could suffer in the absence of adequate regulatory remedies) from suboptimal services or prices compared to those offered in more competitive but otherwise comparable areas or routes. This could be the case for instance if the backbone infrastructure or a substantial part of it is in the hands of an operator which according to a competent national regulatory authority has significant market power in the relevant market.
Source of Funding: JPI Oceans
With the support of Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania and the UK, JPI Oceans aims to further advance scientific knowledge in support of policy making on deep-sea mining, while facilitating the analysis of related ethical implications and societal consequences.
The scope of this joint call results from a yearlong process in which scientists, policy makers, industry, and NGO representatives as well as interested JPI Oceans members gathered to take stock of knowledge gaps and future research priorities. Exploring the potential of a successor activity to two previous phases of the JPI Oceans Joint Action on the ecological aspects of deep-sea mining, experts, policy makers, and interested JPI Oceans members gathered first in a scoping meeting on 11 October 2022. Several aspects of deep-sea mining impact were identified that require further or more detailed investigation. Following up, a meeting was set up with the ISA secretariat to identify the information needs from a policy perspective. This step was complemented by a stakeholder consultation workshop in which representatives from NGOs and industry were consulted to give their perspective on a third phase of the Joint Action.
As a result of these meetings and a brief review of recently published studies, the following issues have been identified as important scientific objectives in a successor phase:
Ecosystem dynamics
Ecological impacts of polymetallic nodule mining
Ecological impacts of massive sulphide mining
Science-based support to governance
While the previously funded MiningImpact II project studied ecological impacts of a pre-prototype polymetallic nodule collector vehicle (Patania II) exploitation test, in a follow-up phase fieldwork in one of the funded projects could be linked to a full-scale mining test which includes a riser system. Monitoring of the industrial equipment test should particularly aim at reducing the existing uncertainties with respect to the discharged sediment plume and its short- to long-distance impacts on the pelagic ecosystem through released substances, suspended particle concentrations, and eventually deposited blankets of displaced sediment.
In general projects are encouraged to inform the ongoing work of the International Seabed Authority and its members and consider opportunities to align their activities with the strategic research priorities of the ISA Action Plan for Marine Scientific Research.
Continue reading on the below link.
Source of Funding: European Commission
Culture Moves Europe Call Document Culture Moves Europe- Second Call for Residency Hosts Call document European Cooperation Projects Call document European Networks of Cultural and Creative Organisations Call document European Platforms for the Promotion of Emerging Artists Pan Call document TV and online content media Call document Innovative Tools and Business Model Call document Video Games and Immersive Content Development Call document European slate development media Call document European VOD Networks and Operators Call document Films on the move Call document Networks of European Festivals Call document Journalism Partnerships- Collaborations Call document Journalism Partnerships- Pluralism Call document Media Literacy Call document Creative Innovation lab Call document Application deadlines differ from call to call, please access the respective call link to read further or the below link.Each year a number of calls are issued under the media, culture and cross sectoral strand. All calls are issue on the portal Below one can find the list of calls divided according to the relevant strands.
Culture Strand
Media Strand
Cross Sectoral
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