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Source of Funding: MIMCOL
The Seed Investment Scheme (SIS) has been introduced in order to help start-ups raise equity finance.
The Seed Investment Scheme offers incentives in the form of tax credits to individual investors resident in or operating in Malta, who invest in a qualifying Maltese start-up or early stage companies. The scheme offers young entrepreneurs a route to vital funding in the initial stages of their project by effectively minimizing the risk to investors.
Visit the below link to read further.
Source of Funding: Horizon Europe
The Hop On Facility allows for legal entities from low R&I performing countries to join already selected collaborative R&I actions, subject to the agreement of the respective consortium and provided that legal entities from such countries are not yet participating in it. The scheme aims to improve the inclusiveness of Horizon Europe by involving more research institutions from Widening countries under Horizon Europe Pillar 2 and EIC Pathfinder actions.
Main selection criteria are excellence and added value of the new partner performing a relevant additional task in the project. All consortium partners need to agree on the accession of the new partner whereas the R&I relevance and complementarity needs to be demonstrated. The accepted application will trigger a GA amendment with the service in charge of the related topic.
Read further on the below link.
Source of Funding: Malta Council for Science and Technology
The Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) is receiving proposals under the Internationalisation Partnership Awards Scheme Plus (IPAS+). The Scheme is divided into two options. Applicants are to fill in the appropriate sections of the form; they may select either Option A or Option B, or both:
Option A: opportunities for collaborative initiatives between Maltese entities and at least one foreign entity of proven track record of excellence. Proposals should describe the nature of the joint activities that would be funded through the Award. Applicants are to demonstrate how the proposed activities contribute towards and align with achieving the goals of the National R&I Strategy, and to describe the potential of any activities to become self-sustaining or generate longer-term outcomes.
Option B: opportunities for Maltese entities intending to submit a Horizon Europe proposal as the coordinator of the consortium to engage a service provider (local or foreign) who will be supporting the applicant through proposal writing and submission.
The amount of the Award available to any one successful applicant is capped at €6000 per Option. Some exceptions regarding the financial capping for Option B can be found in the rules for participation. All projects are evaluated by a selection panel set up by MCST on the basis of evaluation criteria outlined in the Call text.
Visit the below link to read further and download the required application forms.
Source of Funding: Malta Council for Science and Technology
The Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) are relaunching the MCST-TÜBİTAK 2023 Joint Call for R&I Proposals to support cooperation in Science, Technology, and Innovation in the following thematic areas:
Visit the below link for further information, to download the call application forms and guidelines.
An online information event is going to be jointly organised on the 17th of March 2023 at 10.00 (CET). Interested Malta-based and Turkey-based entities are encouraged to register for this event here to learn more about the Call and about partner searching. The agenda and Zoom link will be directly sent to registrants.
For more information on the Online Event and/or for assistance with the Call Documentation, please contact the Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) on prima.mcst@gov.mt / 0035623602152.
Source of Funding: COST - European Cooperation in Science & Technology
Participants are invited to submit COST Action proposals contributing to the scientific, technological, economic, cultural or societal knowledge advancement and development of Europe. Multi- and interdisciplinary proposals are encouraged.
The Open Call Action proposal submission, evaluation, selection and approval (SESA) procedure is fully science and technology-driven and will ensure a simple, transparent and competitive proposal evaluation and selection process, reflecting the bottom-up, open and inclusive principles of COST.
Participants planning to submit a proposal for a COST Action will need to refer to the SESA guidelines and to the Open Call Announcement available on the below link.
Source of Funding: European Union
In a world of never-ending changes, your organisation's capacity to quickly answer to new challenges is key for its success. But these challenges can be so specific that you may not have the expertise and resources to address them, nor find a suitable external solution for your need. This is when you consider looking for an innovator to co-develop a new solution. And with this approach, a set of questions arises:
InnoBuyer programme will fund activities under four different actions. The Challengers selected to take part in the programme will get support from the InnoBuyer consortium to further define their unmet needs and translate them into a challenge (Action 1), that can be launched in a call for innovation suppliers/Solvers.
Once the best Solver for each particular challenge gets selected (Action 2), Challengers and Solvers will co-create and pilot an innovative solution (Action 3). If by the end of the process the solution shows promising results, Challengers will receive support to launch an innovation procurement procedure (Action 4) for the wide adoption of the solution.
Visit the below link to read further.
Source of Funding: Malta Council for Science and Technology
The Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership is a Horizon Europe co-funded partnership. It constitutes a network of 60 partner institutions from 25 countries and the European Commission that enables an unprecedented effort to pool research and innovation investments and align national programmes at pan-European scale.
MCST together with 35 other Research Funding Organisations from 23 countries launched the 1st Joint Transnational Co-funded Call and will be financially supporting R&I projects addressing challenges on the following priority areas:
1. Ocean Digital Twins at sub- sea-basin scale
2. Blue generation marine structures
3. Planning and managing sea uses
4. Healthy ‘Blue Food’ under a ‘One Health’ approach
5. Enabling the green transition of ‘Blue Food’ production
Entities residing in Malta are eligible for funding, with the option of requesting up to € 500,000 to participate in a SBEP proposal consortium (N.B. if more than one National partner is present in one consortium, the total amount of funding for the participating National partners cannot exceed the € 500,000 capping).
Visit the below link to download the call specifications.
Source of Funding: X2.0 Driving Deeptech Growth Project - EU Funded
X2.0 will set up custom and needs based 5 month deeptech programme. The program will tailor its services to the needs of each startup, ensuring growth, scaling up, long term impact and cross border connections. Each selected startup will be screened by Venture Capital and Innovation experts and based on their insights, validated industry experts and their services will be proposed.
What are we looking for?
10 Deeptech startups whose innovations are based on high-tech innovation or o significant scientific advances in manufacturing and circular economy domains.
Why to participate / Benefits
Innovation Vouchers to cover
Other Program Benefits
Visit the below link for further information.
Source of Funding: Malta Council for Science and Technology
PRIMA – Partnership for R&I in the Mediterranean – facilitates collaborative R&I in the areas of Water Management, Farming Systems and Agro-Food Chain.
PRIMA Participating States fund transnational R&I projects addressing the scope and objectives of the PRIMA Section 2 multi-topic call tackling the following topics:
Thematic Area 1: Water Management
Thematic Area 2: Farming Systems
Thematic Area 3: Agro-food Value Chain
Entities residing in Malta are eligible for funding under the Section 2 calls, with the option of requesting up to € 500,000 to participate in a PRIMA proposal consortium (N.B. if more than one National partner is present in one consortium, the total amount of funding for the participating National partners cannot exceed the € 500,000 capping).
Download the guidelines and application forms from the below link.
Source of Funding: Malta Council for Science and Technology
Malta-based applicants who will coordinate a project addressing a Section 1 or Section 2 topic featured in the PRIMA Annual Work Plan 2023 have the opportunity of engaging a service provider who can support them through the pre- / full proposal writing and/or submission stages.
Submission deadlines are as follows:
The documentation associated with this Scheme can be accessed through the following link: